You know how we always want kids to experience the consequences of their ‘not-so-good’ choices, hoping they will ‘learn their lesson’?  So, WWW & W is the flip side of the coin, so to speak.  It’s the upside, or the positive consequences for things that Went Well.

EXAMPLE-  Let’s say the WWW & W- is “I got to school on time without having to run down the hall to class.”  Why? “Because I put my stuff in my backpack last night and then put it right by the door, so all I had to do was grab it this morning.  No scrambling at the last minute for where I had put my homework or my backpack.  It was all ready to go!”

Now as parents or educators we can point out that the child was accountable for creating his/her own ‘non-rushing, on time’ experience.  Perhaps encouraging them to notice “How does that feel?” and “Was that empowering?” and “If I want to feel that way again, then how?”  Yep, by repeating the same action of packing your backpack the night before.  Now that’s POSITIVE accountability!


In yesterday’s blog I promised to explain the importance of ‘why’ in WWW & W.  So, when looking at something that went well in your day ask yourself ‘Why did it go well?’  Sometimes you will find it is because YOU did something that made it go well and when you can identify what YOU did to make it go well, ta-da! YOU can give yourself a pat on the back and now YOU know how to do it again.

Example:  What Went Well –  ‘I made it to work on time.’  Why?  ‘Because I got up when the alarm rang and had ample time to drive to work.’  So, your actions caused you to get to work on time.

Example:  What Went Well –  ‘My friend and I laughed at lunch.’  Why?  ‘Because I took the time to call and invite him/her to lunch and we focused on positive, fun past memories.’   So, your planning and initiative to invite him/her to lunch brought about a good time for both of you.

Using WWW & W with your students and in your own life will increase everyone’s happiness.  See if you can write down 3 WWW & W each day this week.  ENJOY the results!


WWW & W (try it, you’ll like it!)

What Went Well & Why.  How many times a day do you think about what went well and why?  Did you know that just identifying WWW & W 3 times a day can reduce depression?  The more you notice what is going well, the more your brain strengthens positive neural pathways to increase your happiness.

Nothing grand and glorious happening in your life?  All the better!  This activity is to find the simple everyday things that went well like “I cooked a great casserole,” or “I got to work on time”, or “my friend and I laughed at lunch.”  Look for what works and what went well several times a day.  I’ll talk about the ‘WHY’ part of it tomorrow.